Monday, October 13, 2008

My Little Big Brother (and newly dyed hair)

Here are few shots of my newly returned brother and I. Also, I told Kerianna that I would post some pictures of my hair. It isn't that much darker, but it is kind of fun.

My brother is so silly!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Elder Returns

Well, for those of you who are unaware... Matt came home from his mission! He successfully completed two years of service in Columbus, Ohio.

Overall, he is pretty much the same goofy kid. A few changes: he now talks like a hick (scary!), the missionary mode is still very much apparent and there is the chance that he may be married within the year.

Check out the slideshow to see what happened at the airport!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

General Conference Weekend

Normal Kelsey routine: Watch a maximum of two conference talks during conference weekend. (Typically both of these are the prophet...).

In hopes to abandon this routine, Kerianna, Cort and I had a Sunday Conference pajama breakfast party! We made chocolate chip pancakes (super yummy)!

(Did you notice the good flipping job on the lower picture?... Yes, that is right, I am just that amazing. We just won't mention the awful flip job I did on the previous batch!)

During the second session of conference I decided that I wanted my hair braided and therefore enlisted the help of Kerianna. It was the first time she had ever braided blonde hair. She said that it is very different than brown hair--and I whole heartedly agree! Despite these differences, she did a fantastic job!
Overall, it proved for fun times! And I ended up watching 3.5 of the 4 sessions of conference. My favorite talks were: President Uchtdorf and the ones concerning: sacrament meeting behavior and marriage (I don't remember who gave them). I now know that I cannot be a thrift shopper when it comes to looking for a husband! :o)

Some final random shots from the weekend. Please note I included two shots of Cort and I, because I didn't know which one I liked better. The first one kind of makes Cort seem a little more mischievous. While the second you see Cort's funny side. Also, Kerianna made herself Corned Beef and Cabbage for "early dinner". It didn't look yummy for me, so I made chicken salad. However, I included picture of her dinner for pictorial evidence of how great of a chef she really is!