Friday, October 1, 2010

Jo Comes to Cleveland.

Jo came to visit me this past July. I LOVED having her here. Below are some tidbits from our adventures...

Lanterns at the N.K. Whitney Store in Kirtland, OH.

It's the leaf heart!
Yay macrophotography.

At Kirtland. I love this picture of Jo inside the N.K. Whitney Store.

BEAUTIFUL skies at the Indians game. Cleveland is known for freaky weather and awful sport teams (now that Lebron is gone). It is something that doesn't necessarily break my heart.

On our way to the Cleveland Indians game.

Rockin' out at the Cleveland History of Rock and Roll Museum. It kind of reminds me of the glass pyramids at the Louvre. Not that I've ever been there...

I got to meet the original Randy. He was trying to be all cool and wear converses too... But really, he is just super old.

We found "The Christmas Story" house. Yes. It is in Cleveland. It might just be our one claim to fame.

Enjoying the sites of the falls.

The falls. From the NY side. If I had a passport, you can bet your bottom I would have been viewing them from Canada.

Just getting off the Maid of the Mist. Note the super wet hair.

Many many pictures were taken at the falls. It was so sunny but so windy at the same time!

I made it to Niagra Falls. First time in New York and first time at the falls. It was definitely a "bucket list" moment in my life.

Jo and I at Mentor Headlands.... Cleveland's version of the "beach". Really it's just Lake Erie, but we can pretend that it is something amazing, right?